Czech forest entities collaborate in the development of forest pedagogy
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Czech forest entities collaborate in the development of forest pedagogy

Author: Lada Matoušková Prylová, Forest Management Institute, Czech Republic

R epresentatives from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, faculties of forestry, secondary forest schools, state enterprises and other forest institutions signed a Memorandum on the development of forest pedagogy in the Czech Republic. The ceremony took place on the first day of Silva Regina 2022 International Forestry and Hunting Fair, on the exhibition area of forest pedagogy. On this exhibition area, the programme of forest pedagogy for schools and families with children was presented throughout the Fair and it was also visited by the Minister of Agriculture during his visit to the Fair. The programme of forest pedagogy was attended by about two thousand of visitors.

The Memorandum of forest pedagogy consists of two documents: the Unified procedure for implementing forest pedagogy in forest entities in the Czech Republic, and the related Action Plan for the period from 2022 to 2026. The documents were prepared by the Working Group of the Ministry of Agriculture, which coordinates forest pedagogy in the Czech Republic and associates representatives from 12 forest organizations.

This Memorandum follows after the previous ones of which the first was signed by representatives of forest entities already in 2010. Since 2012, the Memorandum has been complemented also by the Action Plan for a period of two – now newly four years. The first memorandum on forest pedagogy was signed up by 9 forest entities and the hitherto last one by 19 forest entities, which documents the increasing significance of forest pedagogy in the Czech Republic.

Full text (in Czech language) of the Unified procedure for implementing forest pedagogy in forest entities in the Czech Republic and the related Action Plan for the period from 2022 to 2026 is available at (Koncepční materiály - Lesní pedagogika - Lesní (


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