2. October 2024

18th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2024

19. July 2024

The registration deadline for the 18th European Forest Pedagogics Congress has been extended!

1. May 2024

18th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2024

12. January 2024

The Model Forest of Istria

23. May 2023

17th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2023

4. May 2022

Czech forest entities collaborate in the development of forest pedagogy

1. January 2022

16th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2022

30. November 2021

Full-time seminar of forest pedagogues in the Czech Republic

5. October 2021

Highlight of the 20th anniversary of the forestry pedagogy celebrations was the international conference

3. June 2021

New Olympic hiking routes in the forets of Latvia provide active education

20. April 2021

15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress

9. April 2021

Planed cooperation between Slovakia and Moldova in the field of Forestpedagogy

9. March 2021

International Day of Forests

20. January 2021

State of Europe’s Forests 2020

16. December 2020

Online world of forest pedagogy in the Czech Republic

27. October 2020

How to embed a good project like “Teaching out in nature” into the entire education system?

Principles of
the forest pedagogy

FP is qualified Forest-related environmental education

FP addresses all social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability

FP fosters understanding, interactions and relationships of human-environmental relations in the context of sustainable development

FP is based on knowledge about forest ecosystems and experience in sustainable forestry

FP promotes understanding, use and application of the concept of sustainable development through the example of sustainable forest management

FP demands an holistic approach and it considers world-wide coherences

FP contributes to education for sustainable development (ESD- UN-Decade) and cooperates with other partners engaged in environmental education or education for sustainable development

FP requires active and cooperative educational methods and approaches

FP esteems, promotes and offers forests as healthy and excellent learning-locations for outdoor-education

  • 1

    Forest area

    in Europe amounts to

    215 million hectares

    equivalent to 7 times the area of Italy

  • 2

    Forests cover


    of Europe’s total land area

  • 3

    Structure of
    European forests

  • 5

    Forest holding

    49% (around 102 million hectares) is public forest

    51% (around 107 million hectares) is privately owned

  • 4

    Europe is the only region of the world with a

    positive net change

    in forest area during the

    last 25 years

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