21st March
International Day of Forest
SDW – Forest Pedagogic Conference
11. February 2020
15th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2020 is CANCELED
17. March 2020

21st March
International Day of Forest

Autor: Dirk Schmechel, Bavarian State Institute of Forestry, Germany

M arch 21st is the International Day of Forests (IdF). What a wonderful opportunity for foresters and forestpedagogs to raise awareness, as well for the protection of Forests as for their sustainable and multifunctional management! The topic for the IdF 2020 is „Forets and Biodiversity – too precious to loose“. The Food and Agriculture Organisiation (FAO) proclaimed this motto and produced a video fort he IdF. Link: http://www.fao.org/international-day-of-forests/

Unfortunately the video doesn´t show how sustainable forestmanagement contributes to enrich biodiversity in our forests. And sadly it communicates the harvest of timber only in view seconds – with a big harvester destroying the tropical rain-forest.

But foresters, forest owners, forest administrations and forest enterprises are focusing on enriching biodiversity in their forest by managing them in a sustainable and resposnable manner. By tending and harvesting they take measures for an increasing structure and a wider spectrum of tree species in their forests. Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) helps our forests to cope with the challenges of climate change. With the harvest of timber SFM reduces athmospheric carbondioxide by binding it as well in wooden products as in the regrowing tree-generation. So SFM also contributes to reduce the consumption of resources which are not renewable.

Forestpedagogs should adress to the International day of Forests on March 21st! They should point out that - of course - Forests and the biodiversity in forests are too precious to loose! But especially forestpedagogs should emphasize that forests fulfill a bundle of other ecosystem-services, which are also too precious to loose. And this demands responsible forest management and the sustainable use of renewable ressources.


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