Forest pedagogy in challenging times #3
Forest pedagogy in challenging times #2
11. April 2020
Forest pedagogy in challenging times #4
20. April 2020

Forest pedagogy in challenging times #3

Social Media Postcards on forests' biodiversity in Croatia

Author: Ana Fornažar, Model Forest „River Mirna Basin“ association, Croatia

F orest Communicators Network of Mediterranean has initiated an online campaign „ Pic & Share- Forests and biodiversity” in the frame of the International Day of Forests that is carried out every year by FAO emphasizing key topics and using different messages to promote benefits of forests

Message that has inspired Forest Communicators to initiate this year online campaign to further promote biodiversity is “Forests are home to about 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity”

On International Day of Forests countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees and raises awareness of the importance of forests, but this year due to pandemic, all the activities took place in a different form.

All around the EU, schools are closed and teaching is performed online while the new circumstances present a challenge for the teachers in inventing new tools and didactic materials to be used and to keep the quality of the learning process.

In Croatian schools, “Pic & Share - Forest and biodiversity “campaign was very well received due to current lack of innovative digital resources for the teaching about nature and biology as well as for the great opportunity to involve pupils to reflect about countries’ great biodiversity in a sunny and a blooming spring time.

Schools, NGOs and other interested in forest pedagogy practices in Croatia were invited to participate in the campaign and what they were supposed to do is:

  • Insert the photo in the template of the Social Media Postcard
  • Fill the Country origin of the plant, the plant name
  • Add a Message to share with others
  • POST IT on Social Media account and tag the FCNMedNE among other friends and groups
  • ENCOURAGE friends and groups to do the same as to increase knowledge about our countries’ richness

School pupils were engaged in finding and recognizing species they encounter in their area, giving it Croatian or Latin name, and creating own Social Media Postcard using a photo of the common or an endemic representative of the biodiversity.

Sharing postcards through Social networks has given possibility for others to get involved and to see a natural beauty and richness of the species and learn about Croatian plants and animals.

Forest school Matije Antun Reljkovica from Slavonski Brod and their students were the most enthusiastic about the Croatian campaign “ Fotkaj i dijeli ” (Pic & Share). Their postcards were shared with Forest Communicators Network of Mediterranean and wider.

Here you can see result of their work while staying at home and enjoying Croatian biodiversity.



Endemic animals of Croatia

Endemic animals of Croatia

Endemic plants of Croatia

Endemic plants of Croatia



Fruits and trees of Croatia

Fruits and trees of Croatia

Template for the Social Media Postcard

Template for the Social Media Postcard

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