Autumn 2018: By train and ferry to the European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2018 in Finland: 45h50 min on the journey, changing trains 11 times and finding the most beautiful SILVIVA workplace of the year...
... on the ferry between Stockholm and Turku (Finland): sitting in a comfortable armchair, writing a text on the laptop and watching the archipelago pass by in the background. This is how to work well, productively and beautifully – and to travel sustainably.
Based on a decision we took in the team, the SILVIVA delegation travelled to the annual European Forest Pedagogics Congress by public transport. The reactions of the other conference participants: "What? You travelled by train?" led to answers like "What? You didn't travel by train?" or "Right, I wonder why. Climate change is just made up anyway..."
This year, *you* can find your most beautiful place to work on the journey to Zurich. At long last you will find the time to read all the articles that are piling up on your desk. Or take your time to think through and write down the new "net zero" concept for your organisation. Or for the very first time arrive at a congress perfectly prepared because you read all the blogposts on the congress in Zurich. Or... yes, what will your journey to this year's Forest Pedagogics Congress be like? What will you do in this time given to you?
People complain about the fact that sustainable travel takes time – but this time is just the impact, made visible and tangible, that our ‘normal’ modes of travelling are inflicting on our climate.
In short, there are many advantages to travelling to the Forest Pedagogics Congress by train. It is meaningful and cool and this year it is even financially worth it.
We will be able to fund the following (per person):